Friday, May 27, 2016


From this point on this blog with be about my Post-MFA work!
This is an image of one of my most recent works-in-progress. I first took a collection of my old or broken toys that my kids had discarded and attached them to a wood panel. That was the easy part. This has been a very challenging piece for me so far since I am not used to painting on a surface that is not flat. I am in the process of painting a "staged" living room scene on top of the toys. This is very different from my previous pieces because I usually paint the mess, or the scene of chaos, onto the flat surface. Now I am painting a scene without chaos, on top of the actual objects that I would typically find on my floor. I love the play of shadows from the actual 3-dimensional objects. Also, when viewed from different angles other than from right in front, the painting becomes abstract as the lines no longer form any recognizable shapes.
Possible title: "Company's Coming, Hide the Kids"
Oil and found objects on wood panel

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Completed Work...Better Late Than Never

I just realized that I never posted any pictures of my completed MFA work. Below is a picture of my work from the graduate exhibition.

The REAL Motherhood Experience

Left: Welcome Home Mom, Oil on canvas, 4’x7’, 2015
Center: The Aftermath,Oil, permanent marker and found objects on wood panels, 4’x7.5”, 2016
Right: But It Was A Hurricane, Oil on canvas, 3’x4’, 2015
The Aftermath

The Aftermath (Details of Bottom Panel)